Published: 29-01-2025 21:32 | Updated: 29-01-2025 21:32

Evaluation of the evacuation exercise in Biomedicum, October 3-4, 2024

incidents reports
Photo: Illustration

Between October 3-4, 2024, five separate evacuation drills were carried out at Biomedicum. The drills were documented by Facility Management Biomedicum in order to analyze the organization's status, shortcomings, and needs.

Evacuation excersices are conducted annually in Biomedicum as part of the systematic fire safety work (SBA). The purpose of the drills is to concretize the existing procedures and to ensure that the building’s fire protection systems are functioning properly.  Information about Biomedicum fire safety work is found here. 

The evaluation highlights identified shortcomings and is used to help develop the safety culture, as well as to provide a historical record that can be referred to, for example, to follow up on any actions taken.

Overall, the drills were carried out correctly. The majority evacuated according to procedure, made their way to the assembly point, and waited for instructions to re-enter the building. Well done!

If you wish to receive a copy of the evaluation, you can contact Facility Management in Biomedicum. The documentation is registered and can also be retrieved via

Fire safety representative Biomedicum