New life science initiative on campus Solna

In February, the renovation of the property Fysiologen will begin as part of the life science initiative being conducted at Karolinska Institutet and Hagastaden. The building will be an attractive and modern office environment and laboratory for new operators working in medicine and health and is expected to be completed in 2023.
"Fysiologen has great potential to become a new central meeting place for the exchange of knowledge, development and innovation in life science. Fysiologen has a strategic location in the heart of the campus, the building has a direct connection to Karolinska Institutet as well as proximity to other authorities, companies and organizations – all related to education and research in medicine and health. In addition, the new metro line will be located approximately 150 metres from Fysiologen when the expansion of the public transport system is complete," says Magnus Huss, Marketing Area Director at Akademiska Hus, who is in charge of the project.