Lena Engqvist Boman and Terese Stenfors awarded the 2023 Pedagogical Prize

Terese Stenfors and Lena Engqvist Boman are awarded the 2023 prize in recognition of their many years of contribution to excellent educational leadership in KI's educational activities. The prize will be officially awarded at KI’s installation ceremony, which is to be held in Aula Medica in October 2023.
KI’s annual pedagogical prize is awarded to individual teachers, teaching teams or administrative employees who have made substantial pedagogical contributions encompassing pedagogical development or improvement work within KI’s courses and programmes at first degree, graduate and post-graduate levels.
The prize committee's motivation:
Lena Engqvist Boman, at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS), has throughout her professional career contributed to developing teaching and learning in healthcare; the last 20 or so years at Karolinska Institutet (KI), where she has made significant contributions to medical education. Already in the mid-1990s, she was involved in starting the first Swedish initiative to bring together clinical assistant professors and lecturers with combined employment at Karolinska Hospital and The Red Cross University. The purpose was to build up support for both supervisors and students via the activity, and to act as a link between the university and the clinic.
Later, Lena Engqvist Boman has participated in several KI-wide contexts to develop teaching and learning at different levels. As an example, during the period 2004–2018, she held assignments as educational developer for all KI's education programs at first level and advanced level. At the Regional Cancer Center Stockholm-Gotland (RCC). Lena has since 2014 been developing and carrying out training on learning for health care personnel and other actors in cancer care.
Lena Engqvist Boman has not only acquired deep knowledge in teaching and learning through theoretical and empirical studies over the years, but also has an excellent ability to translate theory into practice through situationally adapted didactics. Lena has also had a great impact on individual learning amongst students, patients, colleagues and teachers.
Terese Stenfors, at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics (LIME) and the Unit for Teaching and Learning (TL), has for almost 20 years worked with pedagogical work and development of teaching in parallel with her research and other assignments. Her pedagogical leadership is reflected, among other things, in that she has carried out numerous pedagogical improvement projects in collaboration with various professions and educations, which have contributed to increased pedagogical research links to several of KI's educational programs and often also resulted in publications. She has run several central projects at KI, including the development of the entire course and program evaluation system that is now used for all courses and programs at first and second level. Because of this, it is for the first time possible to follow the students' experiences of their education over time and between different programs. Terese Stenfors has also contributed to KI's education with involvement in several postgraduate programs and schools, and has received external funding for a brand-new graduate school in medical pedagogy in collaboration between KI, Stockholm University and Linköping University. In addition to this, she has, among other things, initiated a network for educational research and development, which enables the participants to learn from each other and exchange experiences.