Jesper Lagergren receives the Reuterskiöld's Prize

The Swedish Society of Medicine awards Professor Jesper Lagergren at Karolinska Institutet with the Reuterskiöld Prize, for world-leading research focusing on the causes, prevention and treatment of esophageal and gastric cancer.
Jesper Lagergren is Professor and senior physician in surgery at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet and King's College London, School of Cancer and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
”Jesper Lagergren's discoveries have had great significance for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of esophageal and gastric cancer. His research has contributed to increasing the survival of affected patients”, says Ola Winqvist, chairman of the delegation for medical research at the Swedish Society of Medicine.
”I am very honored and happy for the award and for our research to be recognized. My research group's aim is to contribute to reducing the number of deaths from esophageal or stomach cancer by demonstrating causes and preventive measures as well as clarifying surgical factors that lead to improved survival”, says Jesper Lagergren.
The award ceremony will be held during the Swedish Society of Medicine's Annual Celebration on October 24, 2023. For more information about the prize, please visit Svenska Läkaresällskapet: Världsledande forskning om cancer i matstrupe och magsäck prisas (in Swedish).