Published: 24-09-2018 14:56 | Updated: 25-09-2018 13:54
Important note regarding Freezer Alarms in Biomedicum
All research groups in Biomedicum are kindly asked to label their -80 freezers with contact information for the FM group in case of freezer malfunction.
As you know, the FM group monitors and responds to temperature alarms from all the freezers that are connected to the temperature alarm system, 24/7. Should any freezer need to be emptied due to high temperature and samples moved to an emergency freezer, it is preferable if the research group themselves do the transfer. If this is not possible, the FM-person on call will transfer the samples.
The FM group needs to contact the owner of each freezer to be able to:
- Get the groups permission for FM to transfer the samples or arrange for the group to move them themselves.
- Inform the group which freezer the samples have been moved to or which freezer the group can use.
Please label every freezer with names and contact phone numbers, including the -80 freezers in each quarter.

Senior researcher
Katrin Pütsep
Phone: | +46-(0)8-524 871 13 |
Organizational unit: | FMB.Working Environment |
E-mail: | |