Gonçalo Castelo-Branco receives the Hans Wigzell Research Foundation’s science prize

The Hans Wigzell Research Foundation (Hans Wigzells Forskningsstiftelse) awards its annual scientific prize to Professor Gonçalo Castelo-Branco. He receives the prize of SEK 925,000 for his important research around oligodendrocytes – a cell type which plays important roles in relation to how the human brain develops and functions.

In his research, Professor Castelo-Branco has shown how a cell's DNA can be controlled to develop into an oligodendrocyte. These cells have a significant role in how myelin, the insulating substance around certain nerve cells, in the brain is produced. His research has already helped build a better understanding of multiple sclerosis (MS) and can hopefully also lead to improved therapy against this difficult disease.
Rhenman & Partners Asset Management is the initiator and founder of the research foundation.
About the Hans Wigzell Research Foundation
The foundation promotes its support of scientific research and education in the medical field, in particular through scholarships and other grants. It will also organize and/or support seminars and conferences. Foundation board: Olle Stenman (chairman), Dan Hoflund and Magnus Carlsson.