Festive and expectant during the graduation ceremonies

The sun was shining over Aula Medica on 17 January when it was time for the formal graduation ceremonies for four of KI's educational programmes.
The atmosphere was both ceremonial and full of anticipation as graduating students from the Medical, Physiotherapy, Nursing, and Occupational Therapy programs were celebrated by their families and friends in the Erling Persson Hall. The ceremonies were held in two sessions: one in the morning for physiotherapists and nurses, and another in the afternoon for doctors and occupational therapists, allowing graduates to share the moment with their friends and families.
Atmosphere, strings and soloists
The graduates marched in to the fine string music of Rosa Kvartetten and cheers from the audience before taking their seats at the front of the hall. The traditional welcome speech was given by KI´s President Annika Östman Wernerson, who wished all newly graduated students good luck in their working lives, citing “knowledge, commitment and competence” as important qualities to take with them from their studies at KI. She also warmly welcomed the students back to attend courses, postgraduate studies and participate in alumni networks.
The ceremony continued with singing from Dominique Pålsson Wiklund who, together with Rosa Kvartetten, offered an atmospheric number with glitter and fine-tuned strings.

Greetings and good wishes
The Program directors of each program also gave speeches to their graduates and wished them good luck in their professional lives before they were called up to receive their greetings. The ceremony ended with a speech from Vice President for Higher Education Ewa Ehrenborg, who highlighted the importance of the career choices made by the students who chose to work in healthcare.
The ceremonies ended with the songs “Beautiful” and “Uptown funk” performed by Dominique Pålsson Wiklund and Rosa Kvartetten, followed by an exit to the fan castle and applause from the audience.
Congratulations to all graduating students of the four programs!