Eleven researchers at NVS have been granted ALF funds

The county council has granted ALF funding to eleven different research projects at NVS this year, both medicine and pedagogy.
ALF funding medicine
Nenad Bogdanovic, Division of Clinical Geriatrics, receives 300 000 SEK for the project "Early Blood Biomarkers in Alzheimer's Disease" during 2019.
Miia Kivipelto, Division of Clinical Geriatrics, receives a total of 1 200 000 SEK during 2019 and 2020 for the project "From accurate disease models to pragmatic multimodal preventive interventions for Alzheimer’s disease".
Agneta Nordberg, Division of Clinical Geriatrics, receives 600 000 SEK for the project "Molekylär PET imaging vid Alzheimers sjukdom och andra demenssjukdomar - betydelse för tidig upptäckt, diagnostik och sjukdomsmodifierande behandling" 2019.
Dorota Religa, Division of Clinical Geriatrics, receives in total 600 000 SEK during 2019 and 2020 for the project "Att minska bördan av beteendestörningar vid demens för såväl patienter, anhöriga som vårdgivare – register- och interventionsstudier".
Marianne Schultzberg, Division of Neurogeriatrics, receives in total 1 000 000 SEK during 2019 and 2020 for the project "Inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease - studies on resolution".
Agneta Ståhle, Divison of Physiotherapy, receives in total 800 000 SEK during 2019 and 2020 for the project "Prevention of falls in older adults through implementation of a new balance-training concept – from clinical research to clinical practice".
Lars Tjernberg, Division of Neurogeriatrics, receives in total 1 500 000 kr during 2019-2021 for the project "Novel biomarkers for early diagnosis of Alzheimer disease".
Lars Wahlund, Division of Clinical Geriatrics, receives 300 000 SEK for the project "Alkohol och Demens - Finns det något samband mellan alkoholmissbruk och demensutveckling" during 2019.
Eric Westman, Division of Clinical Geriatrics, receives in total 1 200 000 SEK during 2019 and 2020 for the project "Demenssjuka och deras anhörigas rätt till en korrekt diagnos: utgångspunkt för att värdera behovet av behandling, hjälp och stöd".
ALF funding pedagogy
Helena Salminen, Division of Family Medicine and Primary Care, receives in total 1 220 000 SEK during 2019-2021 for the project "Preventivt hälsofrämjande arbete interprofessionellt - nya sätt för lärande i dialog med patienter".
Christina Olsson, Divison of Physiotherapy, receives 475 000 SEK for the project "Implementering av peer learning som handledningsmodell i primärvården för sjuksköterskestudenter".