Drop-in vaccination for students and staff at KI

It is now possible for students and staff at Karolinska Institutet (KI) to visit the Karolinska University Hospital's vaccination clinics in Solna and Flemingsberg to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
The Stockholm Region has made it easier to get vaccinated against COVID-19, especially for groups where there is lower vaccination coverage. As part of this, vaccination opportunities are offered to students at colleges and universities in the region, including KI.
- For KI, it has been important to make it easier for both students and staff to get vaccinated against COVID-19. It feels good and important that, through the Stockholm Region, be able to offer simple and flexible vaccinations and thereby contribute to reducing the spread of infection in society, says Katarina Bjelke, University Director at Karolinska Institutet.
Since the autumn term started on 30 August 2021, KI has returned to campus-based education and the university encourages both students and staff to get vaccinated. The fact that it is now possible get vaccinated through drop-in in connection to both KI's campuses increases accessibility, especially for the international students without a Swedish social security number who have not previously been able to book an appointment for vaccination.
- It is important that we all take joint responsibility for preventing the spread of infection both at the university and in society. I hope that as many as possible now take the chance to get vaccinated and that we can continue to have on campus -based education during the autumn term, says Annika Östman Wernerson, Academic Vice President of Higher Education.
Information about the drop-in vaccination
- If you have a Swedish social security number and a bank-ID, you can download the app AlltidÖppet and book an appointment, or go to the clinics during drop-in
- If you do not have a Swedish social security number, you can go to the clinics during drop-in
For those who want to read more about COVID certificates, please refer to the Swedish E-health authority.
Time and place
At the clinics, you need to be able to identify yourself. Bring a photo-ID or passport.
You should not get vaccinated if you have a fever or symptoms of COVID-19.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 08: 00-15: 00
Tuesday, Thursday: 08: 00-20: 00
Address: Karolinska vägen 22, The vaccination clinic is located in the old hospital building, (in the hospital area) follow the instructions on site.
Huddinge (Flemingsberg)
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 08: 00-15: 00
Monday, Wednesday: 08: 00-20: 00
Address: Medicingatan M43. Enter via the main entrance, go straight ahead until you see a glass staircase on the right. There you go downstairs and follow the signs to the vaccination clinic.