2017 Pedagogical Prize awarded to Ewa Ehrenborg

Karolinska Institutet’s Pedagogical Prize for 2017 goes to Ewa Ehrenborg, professor of molecular cardiovascular medicine at the Department of Medicine in Solna in recognition of her contributions to interprofessional learning and student-activating research-based education.
“Thanks to her pedagogical leadership skills, Ewa Ehrenborg has made a unique contribution to the quality of the clinical placement elements of our programmes,” says prize committee chair and dean of higher education Annika Östman Wernerson. “She is a source of inspiration and an example to both teachers and students.”
With her innovative approach to teaching and learning, Professor Ehrenborg has helped to develop a form of student-activating teaching that integrates the latest research and peer learning in novel and imaginative ways. She is also something of a pioneer in developing interprofessional learning between different student groups at all academic levels.
“I’m delighted and a little taken aback, as I didn’t even know I’d been nominated this year,” she says.
Professor Ehrenborg has been involved in KI’s biomedicine programme for many years as a teacher, course director and member of the programme committee. She is also the director of the Centre for Clinical Education (CKU-KI) and is the coordinator for teaching capacity issues for the Board of Higher Education.
“This prize is for all the people around me, both the ones I work with at KI and our partners on the outside, such as from Stockholm County Council and other universities,” she says. “Without them, everything we’ve achieved would not have been possible.”
The 2017 Pedagogical Prize will be officially awarded at KI’s installation ceremony, which is to be held in the Erling Persson room, Aula Medica, on 12 October 2017.
Click here for more information about KI’s Pedagogical Prize