Grants, prizes and donations

Generous allocation from the Swedish Rheumatism Association to KI research
This year, the Swedish Rheumatism Association (Reumatikerförbundet) is awarding almost SEK 14 million to research into rheumatic diseases. What unites many research projects is a clear focus on personalised diagnostics and treatment. Of the total of 87 research projects in this year's allocation, 32 are conducted at KI.

KI research receives SEK 3.4 million from the Swedish Kidney Foundation
This year's awarded research grant from the Swedish Kidney Foundation (Njurfonden) was a record amount, seven and a half million SEK for kidney research. About half, SEK 3,450,000, goes to projects at Karolinska Institutet.

Prestigious Göran Gustafsson Prize to Laura Baranello
Researchers who are awarded a Göran Gustafsson Prize are among Sweden's foremost under 45 years of age in their field. One of this year's five Göran Gustafsson Prize winners is KI researcher Laura Baranello, who is being recognized for “groundbreaking studies on the regulation of topoisomerases and their role in tumor biology”. The aim of the research is a new strategy for less intrusive cancer treatments.

Erling-Persson Foundation supports development of advanced Parkinson’s therapy
The Erling-Persson Foundation is donating SEK 8 million to KI researcher Johan Ericson to fund the verification of his ATMP (Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products) concept with the aim of producing a highly effective restorative Parkinson’s therapy.
Palliative care theme in the magazine Medicinsk Vetenskap

Important to talk about death when children are incurably ill
Children who are dying often understand that they are indeed dying. A major task for healthcare professionals is to help children, parents and siblings to talk about it. But how do you do that?

Jennie Gustavsson is terminally ill: ‘A palliative person can be very vital’
In autumn of 2022, Jennie Gustavsson was diagnosed with rectal cancer. In March 2024, she learnt that the disease was incurable.

Krister Sjörén has incurable cancer: ‘Death does not scare me’
A few years ago, Krister Sjörén started having a pain in his back and shoulder, especially when he worked out where certain movements became difficult to perform. At the health centre, the doctor could not provide any explanation. He did not take a PSA test either, which Krister find difficult to forgive him for.

Making death more present in everyday life
Malin Eneslätt wants to initiate more conversations about death, dying and grief. This can be done, for example, with the help of the Dö bra deck of cards, which will now be produced in digital form.
The Conversation

Nine reasons why the myth that vaccines cause autism persists
From a research perspective, there is little left to discover about vaccines used in long-standing nationwide vaccine programmes, such as polio, measles, and rubella. So why do suspicions that vaccines cause autism remain? Professor Sven Bölte presents nine reasons in The Conversation.

What the rise in bisexual identity in Stockholm tells us about global trends
As social acceptance of diverse sexual identities continues to grow in many countries, more people are identifying as bisexual. Research on Stockholm residents by Willi Zhang and colleagues reflects this trend.

Hyperbaric chamber treatment may alleviate PTSD
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is common in military veterans but can affect anyone who has suffered or witnessed an extreme physical or emotional event, and it is very hard to treat. Novel treatments are urgently needed. A recent study has been showing promise with an unusual treatment: hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).

More articles from KI researchers published in The Conversation
From cold-resistant genes to face masks, Karolinska Institutet researchers contribute to the global public discourse on a range of topics through our collaboration with the international news site The Conversation.
Selected top publications
New findings could improve stroke care
Fredriksson et al, Journal of Clinical Investigation, March 2024
Cancer drug ibrutinib has more effects in the body than previously known
Isabelle Leo et al, Nature Communications, February 2025
New research uncovers brain changes in Parkinson's disease
Amit Kumar et al, Alzheimer's & Dementia, February 2025
Screening test can save lives in the inflammatory syndrome HLH
Jan-Inge Henter, NEJM, February 2025
Study shows how T cells both fight and promote liver cancer
Matti Sällberg et al, Gut, January 2025
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