Published: 22-12-2022 10:58 | Updated: 22-12-2022 10:58

Tissue and Motion conference 2022

Following a hiatus of 3 years due to Covid-19, the KI Research Network Tissue and Motion rose to the occasion of hosting the 11th Tissue and Motion conference, which was held at the Djurönäset Hotel on 9th – 10th November 2022.

With more than 70 participants, this retreat offered a relaxed, positive, and informative atmosphere with excellent presentations in the fields of Tissue, Motion, and Regenerative Medicine.

The first day was dedicated to presentations and keynote lectures from distinguished senior researchers, entrepreneurs, and Postdocs in a broad range of subject areas in the fields of stem cells, regenerative medicine, and motion. By dividing the morning session and afternoon session into 'tissue' and 'motion' topics respectively, the day had a great flow in what was an immensely well-organised event. In a session of an interactive career-focused workshop panel discussion, an industrial perspective on research was integrated as six key participants with an outstanding record of academic history as well as a recognizable career position in the industry were discussing their career path and hurdles, they had to overcome.

The outcome of this great section could be summarised in three key points:

  1. Have a plan, but stay open-minded and embrace serendipity,
  2. performance is determined by mentors so find a great one for you and your goals, and 3) earning curve is important but learning curve should be the priority.

Dinner was served in the main restaurant in the evening before giving everybody the chance to enjoy the hotel’s facilities, which boasts a cosy outside sauna overlooking the archipelago. The agenda resumed on Thursday morning with oral presentations from prominent students in their early career and was then followed by a poster session with a broad range of topics in regenerative medicine, motion, and health. The structure offered an outstanding opportunity for interaction among different research groups, but also among young researchers at the early stages of their careers. The conference concluded with yet another round of fine fika and the awards ceremony for the best oral/poster presentation.

Congratulations go to Nutsa Burduli for the best oral presentation and to Jennifer Geara for the best poster presentation. Overall, the organisation of the event, hotel, and quality of presentations were exceptionally impressive.  Students and early career scientists from all backgrounds are encouraged to participate in this retreat in the future, whether they have research experience in regenerative medicine or not.



Frederik Bär Phd Student