The 2024 Senior Jahre Award goes to Thomas Helleday

Thomas Helleday, Professor of Chemical Biology at the Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, is awarded the 2024 Anders Jahre Award for Medical Research. He receives the prestigious Senior Jahre Award for his discoveries of mechanisms for cancer development in humans, which have been applied in the follow-up and treatment of patients.
The Anders Jahre Awards for Medical Research have been awarded by the University of Oslo in Norway since 1960, and Thomas Helleday shares this year’s award with Lauri Aaltonen, a cancer researcher, professor at the University of Helsinki, Finland, and research group leader at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge, Karolinska Instiutet.
The 2024 Anders Jahre Award for Young Researchers goes to Nicolai Albrechtsen and Nicholas Taylor, both lecturers at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
”The Anders Jahre Prize is a great recognition, and the credit for the achievement goes to the whole team who had the courage to embark on new, uncertain research paths instead of continuing in old research footsteps. I believe that we have sometimes succeeded because we have protected our different knowledge bases, collaborated between different research areas and developed new methodologies to answer questions. Today, many of our innovative and early ideas have developed into well-established research areas or new treatments. I hope that the prize can serve as an inspiration for young researchers to try unconventional approaches to challenge the big questions,” says Thomas Helleday.
Pushes the boundaries of knowledge
The prize amount is 1 million Norwegian kroner, and the award ceremony will take place on November 7 in Oslo.
”The Anders Jahre Awards for Medical Research honour basic research that pushes the boundaries of knowledge. I would like to congratulate all four winners and say a big thank you for their dedication and determination. They all contribute to basic understanding which will in turn make a difference for many people,” says Svein Stølen, President at the University of Oslo in a press release.