Published: 16-10-2024 13:03 | Updated: 16-10-2024 13:03

Spotlight on NeurotechEU: Abishek Arora’s Transformative Journey

NeurotechEU Journeys - Abishek Photo: NeurotechEU

In a recent conversation, Abishek Arora, the founding Co-chair of the NeurotechEU Student Council and student representative at Karolinska Institutet, opened up about his transformative experience with the NeurotechEU initiative.

Abishek Arora
Abishek Arora

Building Skills and Networks
Abishek’s journey with NeurotechEU began when he took on leadership roles, participating in Board of Governors/Rectors meetings and collaborating closely with the NeurotechEU Project Office. “It was a life-changing moment,” Abishek recalls, as he connected with like-minded individuals passionate about neuroscience and eager to make a societal impact. Through his involvement, he honed key leadership and communication skills while balancing his demanding lab work.

Tackling Challenges in Global Collaboration
One of the major benefits of the experience was expanding his professional network. Attending in-person meetings with students, researchers, and administrators across Europe allowed him to form connections that would have been difficult to establish otherwise. However, working within such a diverse, international network also came with its challenges. “Understanding different working styles and cultural backgrounds was initially tough,” Abishek admits, “but it helped me grow and collaborate more effectively on a global scale.”

Shaping Future Goals
The experience not only sharpened his skills but also solidified his academic goals. Inspired by role models he encountered, Abishek chose to pursue postdoctoral research after completing his PhD. “NeurotechEU showed me that a career in academia is possible,” he says. Looking ahead, he hopes to pass on the lessons he’s learned to future students and trainees.

Opportunities for Growth
While Abishek found the networking opportunities most valuable, he acknowledges that there’s room for improvement. “We need to get more students and researchers involved and develop specific incentives for them,” he suggests, pointing to ways NeurotechEU can expand its reach and impact.

Abishek’s experience highlights the potential of initiatives like NeurotechEU to shape future leaders in neuroscience, fostering collaboration, innovation, and career growth.

*If you're looking to embark on a similar adventure, reach out to the NeurotechEU team at KI! 

**If you've already had an exciting experience and would like to share your story, feel free to contact me!