Published: 28-10-2016 00:00 | Updated: 21-07-2020 15:34

SOLIID awarded research grants from VINNOVA

The research group SOLIID at the Medical Management Centre (MMC) at the Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics has been awarded a research grant from Vinnova for a project presenting new approaches to support innovative development in large healthcare organizations.

During the last decades, the healthcare sector has been in a turbulent state of development. Financial constraints combined with new medical technologies, digitalization, accelerating rates of scientific know ledge development and demands on patient involvement have challenged health care regions and organizations ability to deliver health care. The need for continuous and innovative development to both develop care provided and produce care more efficient have increased in order to be able to meet the needs of an elderly population and patients with multiple health conditions.

The purpose of the project is to develop, test and evaluate organizational forms for supporting innovative development and improvement within and between healthcare county councils in Northern Sweden that will be joined into a large healthcare organization/region in 2019.

The project focus on developing approaches to innovative development over several hierarchical levels and vertical organizational borders in order to improve the care provided to the citizens of the region. Different types of communication and learning arenas and networks, including specific forms and content, will be tested.

The project will contribute with knowledge on strategies, forms and approaches to aid managers to engage co-workers from several organizational systems to work with more overarching development areas and find forms for such work in large organizational systems.


Monica Nyström


Pamela Mazzocato, Elisabet Höög, Anna Westerlund, Rickard Garvare, Karin Zingmark and colleagues from Norrbotten county council, Ulf Andersson and colleagues from Västerbotten county council.

Project period

2016-11-01 – 2018-12-31

Project funding

2 000 000 SEK
