Several new grants go to researchers at the Aging Research Center

Researchers at the Ageing Research Centre have been awarded a number of grants from Demensfonden, Stiftelsen Sigurd och Elsa Goljes minne, Stiftelsen Ragnhild och Einar Lundströms minne, as well as the SfoEpi Consolidator grant, for studies on the health and well-being of older people. In addition, ARC is involved in a project within preventive and health-promoting interventions that has been granted funding from Forte.
The project "FINGER-Pro: Evidence-based health promotion interventions for healthy aging: adapting and implementing the FINGER multidomain model across different settings and sociocultural contexts" has been awarded funding from Forte totaling SEK 23,998,000 (of which SEK 8,300,000 to ARC). Miia Kivipelto, researcher at the Division of Clinical Geriatrics at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, is in charge of the project and collaborates closely with Chengxuan Qiu, senior lecturer at the Division of Aging Research Center (ARC) at the same department.
Davide Liborio Vetrano is awarded a SfoEpi Consolidator Grant totaling SEK 3,600,000, dispersed over three years and until 2025, for the project "Pursuing new frontiers for a healthier aging: simulation-based manipulation of biological pathways involved in multimorbidity, frailty and dementia development".
Grants from Demensfonden
- Erika Jonsson Laukka, 300 000 SEK
- Title: Hjärnkorrelat för minnesfunktioner, kognitivt åldrande och demens
- Federico Triolo, 295 000 SEK
- Title: Personlighetsdrag och risk för att utveckla demens: betydelsen av kognitiv reserv och hälsostatus
- Giulia Grande, 100 000 SEK
- Title: Långvarig exponering för luftföroreningar och demens: utforskande av den biologiska grunden
- Bárbara Avelar Pereira, 80 000 SEK
- Title: Flerskiktad kognition som en tidig markör för Alzheimers sjukdom
- Abigail Dove, 50 000 SEK
- Title: Undersökning av förhållandet mellan kardiometabola sjukdomar, hjärnans struktur och kognitiv hälsa
- Sakura Sakakibara, 50 000 SEK
- Title: Långsiktiga banor och sekulära trender i användningen av komplex vård bland äldre vuxna med kognitiva störningar
Grants from Stiftelsen Sigurd och Elsa Goljes minne
- Martina Valletta, 50 000 SEK
- Title: Blood based biomarkers of brain pathology in the community: the influence of sociodemographics and somatic conditions
- Babak Hooshmand, 30 000 SEK
- Title: Vitamin B1 in relation to CSF biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive performance
- Jonatan Gustavsson, 25 000 SEK
- Title: Determinants of age-related brain iron accumulation and links to neurocognitive functions
- Giorgi Beridze, 20 000 SEK
- Title: Kidney function decline in old age – biomarker profile and associations with chronic disease accumulation
- Abigail Dove, 10 000 SEK
- Title: Unraveling the relationship between cardiometabolic disease and cognitive and brain aging
- Jie Guo, 10 000 SEK
- Title: Mapping the trajectories of olfactory functioning before mild cognitive impairment and dementia
- Sakura Sakakibara, 10 000 SEK
- Title: Long-term Trajectories and Secular Trends in Complex Care Use among Older Adults with Cognitive Disorders: A Population-based Longitudinal Study
Grants from Stiftelsen Ragnhild och Einar Lundströms minne
- Susanna Gentili, 10 000 SEK
- Title: Characterizing older adults’ risk profiles for multiple transitions across living, health and social care settings
- Giulia Grande, 10 000 SEK
- Title: Promoting cognitive health by exploring temporal trendsin cognitive trajectories among Swedish older adults
- Mariam Kirvalidze, 10 000 SEK
- Title: Older adults’ contribution to informal caregiving: temporal trends, profiles and adverse health consequences
- Federico Triolo, 10 000 SEK
- Title: Chronic disease burden and depression risk in late life: results from a population-based study
- Xin Xia, 10 000 SEK
- Title: Associations of orthostatic hypotension and frailty with dementia and mortality in older adults: a population-based cohort study