Seven researchers at NVS have been awarded research grants from the Swedish Research Council

The Swedish Research Council granted in total 28 800 000 SEK to different projects at NVS.
Maria Ankarcrona, Division of Neurogeriatrics, receives 4 800 000 SEK for the project” Structural and functional studies of organelle contact sites in Alzheimer’s disease” during 2019-2022.
Caroline Graff, Division of Neurogeriatrics, receives 3 600 000 SEK for the project ”Human genetic studies of Alzheimer disease and other dementias” during 2019-2021.
Ann Langius-Eklöf, Division of Nursing, receives 2 400 000 SEK for the project ”To live better and longer with cancer: effects of supportive and person-centered care assisted by mobile technology” during 2019-2021.
Joana Pereira, Division of Clinical Geriatrics, receives 6 000 000 SEK for the project ”Alterations in the Brain Connectome as an Early Indicator of Alzheimer's disease” during 2019-2022.
Marianne Schultzberg, Division of Neurogeriatrics, receives 2 400 000 SEK for the project of pro-resolving activities in Alzheimer’s disease” during 2019-2021.
Yvonne Wengström, Division of Nursing, receives 2 400 000 SEK for the project” EFFECT - Exercise For Fatigue in AdvancEd Cancer PaTients” during 2019-2021.
Bengt Winblad, Division of Neurogeriatrics, receives 7 200 000 SEK for the project ”Development of novel modulators of molecular chaperone network with focus on Alzheimer disease therapy” during 2019-2022.