SEK 9.8 million from the Swedish Brain Foundation to MBB

The Department of medical biochemistry and biophysics (MBB) receives research grants of SEK 9.8 million from the Swedish Brain Foundation. Five projects at the department receive grants from the non-profit foundation.
Karolinska Institutet is awarded 42% out of the SEK 106 million included in this year’s allotment. Out of 38 at KI, 5 are located at MBB:
- Ulrika Marklund is awarded SEK 1.6 million for the project ”Defining enteric neuronal circuits and their integration with the gut-brain axis”.
- Nils-Göran Larsson is awarded SEK 1.2 million for the project ”Functional studies of CHCHD2, a new gene that causes Parkinson's disease”. Co-applicant is Roberta Filograna.
- Ulf Eriksson is awarded SEK 1.6 million for the project ”Development of stroke and Alzheimer's Disease in diabetes”. Co-applicants are Ingrid Nilsson and Linda Fredriksson.
- Jens Hjerling-Leffler is awarded SEK 3 million for the project ”Dissection of polygenic risk for Schizophrenia: genetics to experiments”.
- Per Uhlén is awarded SEK 2.4 million for the project “3D Imaging of Cell Signaling in Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury”.
About Hjärnfonden
The Swedish Brain Foundation (Hjärnfonden) raises money for research and information about the brain and its diseases, injuries and disabilities. The Swedish Brain Foundation awards scholarships and grants to researchers and research groups to enable or enhance important research. The Swedish Brain Foundation also works to increase knowledge among the general public through information, lectures and seminars. The Swedish Brain Foundation has no government grants and is therefore completely dependent on donations from individuals and enterprises. The Swedish Brain Foundation has a so-called 90-account, which means that the Swedish Fundraising Control (Svensk Insamlingskontroll) controls the activities.