Published: 21-09-2020 10:33 | Updated: 21-09-2020 13:17

SEK 2.7 million to Simon Elsässer for the purchase of mass spectrometer

Simon Elsässer. Photo: Johan Ignanni, SciLifeLab.

Simon Elsässer receives a grant of SEK 2.7 million from IngaBritt and Arne Lundberg's Foundation for the project "sORF peptides in tumor biology and diagnosis". Elsässer's project is one of 19 that has been awarded a total of SEK 36 million this year.

Out of the 57 applications the Lundberg Research Foundation received, 19 will be granted funding. The projects focus on diabetes, prostate­cancer, leukaemia, rheumatology and osteoporosis.

Simon Elsässer will use the grant to purchase a mass spectrometer within the project “sORF peptides in tumor biology and diagnosis”.

“With the support of IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs Forskningsstiftelse, we are expanding our study of microproteins using modern proteomics techniques to understand how microproteins interact with and modulate the larger proteome. It is yet unknown to what extent microproteins perform essential functions in the cell or partake in diseases such as cancer. We envision that researching the microproteins will finally complete our complex picture of the proteome in health and disease and provide new avenues for treatment”, says Simon Elsässer, researcher at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics.

About IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs Forskningsstiftelse

IngaBritt and Arne Lundberg's Research Foundation was founded by IngaBritt Lundberg in 1982 in memory of her husband, wholesaler Arne Lundberg born in 1910 in Gothenburg. The foundation's purpose is to promote medical scientific research mainly on cancer, kidney diseases and orthopaedics and prioritizes the purchase of apparatus, tools and equipment. During the years 1983 to 2020, 558 grants totalled just over SEK 888 million and in 2020 a total of SEK 36 million was distributed. Research in the Gothenburg region takes precedence. The foundation is based in Gothenburg.


Simon Elsässer Principal Researcher