SEK 18 million awarded from the Sjöberg Foundation

Five researchers from Karolinska Institutet have been awarded grants from the Sjöberg Foundation, in total a sum of SEK 18.1 million. The foundation supports research with a focus on cancer, health and the environment.
The five researchers and their projects are:
Simon Ekman, Department of Oncology-Pathology
Project: Novel Therapy Using microRNA Therapeutics in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Refractory to Targeted Therapies
Grant: 3 million
Rimma Axelsson, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology
Project: Novel PET tracers 68Ga-FAPI-46 and 68Ga-ABY-025 in patients with gastro-esophageal cancer
Grant: 3 million
Lars Eriksson, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
Project: Facilitating Early Diagnosis of Lung Cancer: Transdisciplinary Efforts Combining Data from Patient-Reports
Grant: 5.1 million
Mikael Björnstedt, Department of Laboratory Medicine
Project: Fas I och fas II studier av selenit som alternativ/komplementär behandling av avancerad resistent cancer
Grant: 6 million
Christel Hedman, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery
Project: Livskvalitet, symtom och hälsoångest vid tyreoideacancer, en cancer med god prognos - men hur förebygger vi ohälsa?
Grant: 1.5 million
About the Sjöberg Foundation
The Sjöberg Foundation was founded in 2016 by the businessman Bengt Sjöberg, who himself suffered from lung cancer. The purpose of the foundation is to promote scientific research with a focus on cancer, health and environment. Funding are primarily granted researchers at universities in Sweden or abroad. Bengt Sjöberg passed away in 2017.