Researchers in clinical physiology receive millions in research funding

We congratulate the research group Clinical Physiology at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, where a total of five researchers were granted millions from the Swedish Research Council and the Heart-Lung Foundation 2022.

Under supervision of the newly appointed professor Marcus Carlsson, the researchers in the clinical physiology group have had particular success with this year's grant applications, where several young and promising researchers have been awarded grants.
“I am very happy and proud over the achievements from our researchers that have received fundings for their different research projects. It has always been a strength within clinical physiology that we gather excellent researcher with different competencies within technology, physics and medicine, and we can now continue our work to develop tomorrow’s diagnostics methods”, says Professor Marcus Carlsson.
Jannike Nickander, David Marlevi and Marcus Carlsson are awarded research grants from Heart-Lung foundation, and Björn Wieslander, who is returning from his post doc at National Institutes of Health, USA, received a returning grant, Återvändarbidrag. The newly appointed assistant professor Andreas Sigfridsson receives funding from the Swedish Research Council.

“It is almost unbelievable that we are several young researchers that are awarded these grants early in our careers. We support each other and can discuss research ideas, career goals and everyday life, and it’s really fun working together”, says Jannike Nickander and David Marlevi.
Project information
Jannike Nickander is awarded 2,4 million SEK for the project “Coronary microvascular dysfunction – a unifying pathophysiological mechanism in non-obstructive myocardial ischemia?” from Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation.
David Marlevi is awarded 800’000 SEK for the project ”Magnetic resonance imaging for improved understanding and treatment of hypetrofic obstructive cardiomyopathy through alcohol ablation” from the Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation.
Björn Wieslander is awarded 1 million SEK for the project ”Magnetic resonance imaging as a diagnostic tool for pulmonary hypertension”.
Andreas Sigfridsson is awarded 3,6 million SEK for the project ”A frame work for adaptive multidimensional cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging based on direct movement measurements” from the Swedish Research Council.
Marcus Carlsson is awarded 1,2 million SEK for the project ”Advance cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging in patients with heart failure with and without valvular disease” from the Swedish Heart and Lung Foundation.