Researchers at MMK awarded funding from the Swedish Cancer Society

In the Swedish Cancer Society's latest call, research grants were awarded to seven researchers at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery. The grant refers to the period 2023-2025. Congratulations to:
Olof Akre, Urology, receives SEK 2 400 000, research project "ProMort: a Program for prediction of Mortality in prostate cancer".
Jana de Boniface, Breast Surgery, receives SEK 3 750 000 research project "The SENOMAC trial and beyond: de-escalation of axillary surgery in breast cancer and its effects on patient-reported outcomes".
Richard Rosenquist Brandell, Clinical Genetics, receives SEK 6 000 000, research project "Unlocking the complex molecular landscape in chronic lymphocytic leukemia: clues towards precision medicine".
Shaohua Xie, Upper GI Surgery, receives SEK 1 800 000, research project "Metabolic and inflammatory alterations in the aetiology and prediction of oesophageal adenocarcinoma".
Fellowship Prevention
Karin Wallander, Clinical Genetics, receives fellowship 3 years, research project "Functional studies of hereditary causes for cancer".
Research Months
Emma Tham, Clinical Genetics, receives research months 3 years, project "Cancer genetics for improved diagnosis and personalised follow-up".
Charlotte Gran, Clinical Chemistry and Blood Coagulation, receives research months 3 years, project "Mikrovesiklar och deras inverkan på risken för blodproppsbildning hos patienter med hepatocellulärt cancer eller lymfom".
Planning Grant
Richard Rosenquist Brandell, Clinical Genetics, receives SEK 600 000 in planning grant for the Swedish CLL group.