Researchers at BioNut receive grants from Cancerfonden 2023

We wish to congratulate the six researchers at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut) at Karolinska Institutet, who has received funding from Cancerfonden for the years 2024 to 2026. Together the researchers at our department received more than SEK 21 millions.
Granted research projects
Lauri Aaltonen
Project: "Functional analysis of Hairless loss and its contribution to colorectal tumorigenesis"
SEK 2 000 000 for the years 2024-2026.
Martin Bergö
Project: "Uncovering mechanisms of antioxidant- and BACH1-mediated tumor angiogenesis and metastasis"
SEK 6 000 000 for the years 2024-2026.
Rongrong Fan
Project: "Investigating the enzymatic and non-enzymatic function of KDM1A in tumor-associated macrophages in hepatocellular carcinoma"
SEK 3 000 000 for the years 2024-2026.
Andreas Lennartsson
Project: "Deciphering regulatory RNA circuits mediated by extracellular vesicles to predict and target Acute Myeloid Leukemia."
SEK 3 000 000 for the years 2024-2026.
Christian Riedel
Project: "Determining the cell-non-autonomous responses to aneuploidy and their value as cancer-therapeutic targets"
SEK 1 600 000 for the years 2024-2026.
Staffan Strömblad
Project: "Cell-matrix Interactions in Cancer."
SEK 6 000 000 for the years 2024-2026.