Recipients of CIMED project grants 2023-2025

We congratulate these researchers at MedH and Campus Flemingsberg who are the recipients of the CIMED project grants 2023-2025.
CIMED project grants 2023-2025 – Junior
Andreas Björklund (CIM)
Title of project: Fas I/II prövning med adaptiva NK-celler mot högrisk myelodysplastiskt syndrom och akut myeloisk leukemi
Angélica Cuapio Gómez (CIM)
Title of project: Natural killer cells as fate determinants of the adaptive immune response following vaccination
Chris Tibbitt (CIM)
Title of project: Delineating the metabolic programs of tissue resident type 2 lymphocytes for identification of novel treatment targets and patient stratification in asthma
Martin Ivarsson (CIM)
Title of project: Uterine immune cell profiling of patients with early pregnancy bleeding
Ping Chen (CIM)
Title of project: Developing and employing data-driven strategies to decipher the roles of monocytes in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease progression
Emma Svennberg (Hjärt-Lung sjukdomar)
Title of project: Användning av Artificiell Intelligens för att kunna predicera förmaksflimmer och dess följdsjukdomar
Erik von Seth (Gastroenterologi och reumatologi)
Title of project: Inflammation and malignancy in the biliary tree - exploring new endoscopic techniques for diagnostics and pathogenesis
Hannes Hagström (Gastroenterologi och reumatologi)
Title of project: Förbättrad diagnostik och prognostisering vid fettlever
CIMED project grants 2023-2025 – Senior
Anna Norrby-Teglund (CIM)
Title of project: Data-driven Precision Medicine in Sepsis
Mikael Rydén (Endokrinologi)
Title of project: Translational studies to understand the mechanisms underlying insulin resistance in white adipose tissue
Annika Bergquist (Gastroenterologi och reumatologi)
Title of project: Prognostisering och behandling vid primär skleroserande cholangit (PSC)
Eva Hellström-Lindberg (HERM)
Title of project: Using precision medicine to improve outcome for patients with myelodysplastic syndromes
Yenan Bryceson (HERM)
Title of project: Precision diagnostics for pediatric hyperinflammatory syndromes