Rajan Kumar Pandey awarded the Crafoord Prize research grant 2021

Postdoctoral researcher Rajan Kumar Pandey has been awarded the Crafoord Prize research grant in polyarthritis.
Postdoctoral researcher Rajan Kumar Pandey has been awarded the Crafoord Prize research grant in polyarthritis worth 180 000 SEK. Pandey’s research work focuses on the vaccine development against rheumatoid arthritis for the East Asian population.
The Crafoord Prize is awarded in partnership between the Royal Swedish Academy of Science and the Crafoord Foundation in Lund. The Crafoord Prize is one of the major international science prizes, with subject areas complementing the Nobel Prizes. This foundation supports and promotes research in four disciplines: Mathematics and Astronomy, Biosciences, Geosciences, or Polyarthritis.
The Crafoord prize's sum of SEK 6 million makes it the world’s largest scientific prize. Each year research grants are also awarded in connection to the field of Crafoord prize. The 2021 Crafoord Laureate in Polyarthritis is Prof. Daniel L. Kastner, who got this prize “for establishing the concept of autoinflammatory diseases”.