New Swedish edition of resource material on responsible media reporting

The National center for suicide research and prevention (NASP) has launched a fourth Swedish edition of "Preventing Suicide: A resource for media professionals." The resource is a translated and adapted version of the original edition from the World Health Organization (WHO) and addresses the effects of suicide reporting in the media and how professionals can report on suicide in a balanced and responsible manner.
Earlier this autumn, WHO released the fourth edition of Preventing Suicide: A Resource for Media Professionals, developed in collaboration with the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). It summarizes current evidence on media reporting and its impact on suicide and provides practical guidance for media professionals on how to responsibly report on suicide.
NASP has translated and culturally adapted a Swedish version of the fourth edition, titled Att förebygga självmord: Ett stödmaterial för yrkesverksamma inom media.
Translation and cultural adaptation for Swedish context done by NASP
Since 1997, NASP has been linked to the World Health Organization as "WHO Collaborating Centre for Research, Methods Development and Training in Suicide Prevention". NASP are responsible of translating and culturally adapting WHO's materials for suicide prevention.
To access all WHO resources about suicide prevention and support materials for other professionals, you can visit our webpage Suicide preventive guidelines.