National framework agreements on certain IT purchases end
Three national framework agreements for IT purchases covering servers, storage, and network products will expire on 23 March 2025.
The agreements that expire are multi-year so-called UDC agreements, which in short have given educational institutions access to products in Wisum in the three categories of servers, storage and network products.
These agreements expire on 23 March 2025, and products that have been available will then be removed from the Wisum purchasing portal administered by Umeå University.
If there is a need to purchase products under these categories, Kammarkollegiet's overall framework agreements will apply in the future, and you as a purchaser are referred to Request for procurement Support. For each purchase under these categories, the purchaser needs to carry out a renewed competitive tendering.
Order services through the IT Office
Some product types should be ordered through the IT Office's servers and storage services, such as virtual servers for research data and general data storage at KI.
Read more on Servers and Storage.
Contact for questions
If you need support on purchasing and procurement issues, please get in touch with Purchase and Public Procurement at the Office of Legal, Planning and Economic Affairs.
For questions about storage solutions, don't hesitate to contact the IT Office.