Published: 04-02-2025 15:07 | Updated: 24-02-2025 15:09

Exchange of rental computers

As of this quarter, KI's computer rental service has been in place for three years. This means it is now time to replace the computers introduced into the service when it was launched.

In the coming weeks, Helpdesk will contact the staff concerned by email to inform them of the upcoming exchange, followed by another email when the new computer is available for collection.

The change also means upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11. We are confident the change will go smoothly, as it is not as extensive as previous operating system changes.

You get a newer computer model

The IT Office will order a new computer corresponding to the one you are replacing. If you have a specific request for a different model, please get in touch with your line manager, who need to communicate this to the ITA.

When you connect your new computer and log in for the first time, it is automatically prepared. However, as the Helpdesk now handles the delivery of a large number of computers on an ongoing basis in connection with Coordinated IT, you, as a user, are expected to handle the first login on your own. It is straightforward, and instructions are available.

Return of old computer

You will take your old computer with you at the time of the exchange. Follow the checklist below for a smooth process.

In preparation, you need to:

  1. Make sure you have saved the files you need. Ensure you are logged in to OneDrive on your computer so any local files in the Pictures, Documents, and Desktop folders are synchronised with the cloud. You can then still access them on your new computer.
  2. Return the computer in as good a condition as possible — i.e., cleaned and free of stickers other than those on it when delivered. ITA must be notified in advance if the computer is broken or unreasonably worn.
  3. Do not forget the charger! The computer is considered complete only if you bring the charger. If it is missing, KI will be charged.
  4. Bring valid identification - your KI pass card is not sufficient.

Rental computers and lifecycle management

During Q1, about 190 computers will be replaced at KI.

This will then be a new ongoing activity, quarter by quarter, as long as KI continues to use the service. The number of computers per quarter will vary based on how many were ordered during the corresponding quarter three years earlier.

Life cycle management of computers
Computer models (Wisum)
Windows 11 and a new client platform
FAQ - returning a hired computer