Published: 04-12-2017 13:59 | Updated: 06-04-2018 15:36

#Metoo Campaign – Support for KI students

Due to the #metoo campaign, particular attention is now paid to sexual harassment and other discrimination issues in society. Here are contact information for students who have been exposed to, or have noticed, sexual harassment at Karolinska Institutet.

What is KI doing to create awareness of and prevent sexual harassment?

KI has complied guidelines, information and advice to prevent and counter discrimination, harassment and victimisation of students and staff.

KI regularly arranges courses, workshops and other activities to promote equality and combat sexual harassment, for both students and staff. During November 2017, two such courses will take place focusing on just this topic. Equal treatment is also an obligatory element of various leadership and supervisory courses and courses for students.

What is harassment?

Harassment can be briefly described as an offensive action or statement. This generally involves one individual violating another individual’s dignity through comments or actions.

In order for the Swedish Discrimination Act to apply, the harassment must be linked to the individual’s gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability, sexual orientation or age.

The Swedish Discrimination Act also covers harassment of a sexual nature – in other words, sexual harassment. The term sexual harassment is defined in the Swedish Discrimination Act as “conduct of a sexual nature that violates someone’s dignity”.

  • Groping or other unwelcome touching of a sexual nature
  • Unwelcome sexual advances, comments or suggestions
  • Sexualised jokes.

What action does KI take if sexual harassment is alleged?

If KI and the employer representative becomes aware of any discrimination, harassment or victimisation, they have a legal obligation to investigate and take the necessary measures to ensure that the behaviour ceases.

The purpose of an investigation is to clarify the circumstances surrounding the alleged abuse. The investigation forms the basis for any decision regarding necessary measures to be taken to ensure that the unwelcome behaviour ceases.

The investigation must be carried out swiftly, objectively and with legal certainty. It must be documented and followed up.

What can a student who has been subjected to sexual harassment do?

If you believe that you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment or victimisation your first course of action should be to contact a person employed at KI whom you trust. This could be a teacher or a study counsellor. You can also contact the Student Rights Coordinator or the Student Ombudsperson. The guidelines contain further information regarding various contact channels.

Advice to those who experience sexual harassment:

  • It is you, as the person exposed to an action or behaviour, who decides whether it is unwelcome.
  • React without delay if you feel that you have experienced sexual harassment.
  • Make it clear to the perpetrator that their behaviour is unwelcome on your part.
  • If necessary, contact one of the people listed below and ask for help.
  • Inform you immediate supervisor. If appropriate: turn to you’re managers immediate supervisor, an administrative manager or equivalent, or one of the other contacts on the list as above.

Contacts for students

Christian Edling, Student Rights Coordinator

Nazira Hammoud Shahwan, Student Ombudsperson

Contacts for doctoral students

Director of doctoral studies at your department, the ombudsperson for doctoral students, the Student Health Centre.

Support for doctoral students