Published: 04-04-2024 10:36 | Updated: 04-04-2024 10:36
MedH researcher receives project grant for research collaboration between Italy and Sweden

Image: Nattanan Kanchanprat, Pixabay.
We congratulate Paolo Parini at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH) who has received a project grant from Vetenskapsrådet.

Paolo Parini.
Paolo Parini at the Endocrinology Unit at MedH receives a grant of SEK 750 000 over three years.
This call from Vetenskapsrådet is focused on research collaboration between Italy and Sweden and a total of eight projects are granted SEK 6 000 000.
Paolo Parini's projcet is titled Undersökning av kolesterolets roll, och effekterna av statiner och ezetimib, för förebyggandet och behandling av hepatokarcinogenes (Investigating the role of cholesterol, and the effects of statins and ezetimibe, in the prevention and treatment of hepatocarcinogenesis).