Laura Fratiglioni awarded the Bengt Winblad Prize 2023

The prize is awarded annually by the Swedish Society of Medicine (SLS) to a person who has made outstanding contributions to Alzheimer's research. This year the Bengt Winblad Prize is awarded to Laura Fratiglioni, Professor of Medical Epidemiology with a focus on dementia diseases at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet.
Laura Fratiglioni is awarded the prize for her outstanding contributions to neuroepidemiology, which have increased the understanding of the risk factors that lead to people developing dementia, and especially Alzheimer's disease.
One of her most significant contributions is the construction of SNAC-Kungsholmen (SNAC-K), a population study that includes thousands of individuals, has long follow-up times and whose results have led to groundbreaking discoveries in the field of dementia.
The prize ceremony will take place during the Swedish Society of Medicine's Annual Ceremony on 24 October 2023.