KI involved in Vinnova-financed health-data project

Vinnova (the Swedish governmental agency for innovation systems) is to finance the project "For efficient and sustainable use of health data through the integration of the DIGITAL-projects and GMS in Sweden (DIGIfor1healthSE)" with a grant of SEK 12 million over a period of four years. The project, which is designed to gather Sweden’s expertise on health data, involves TEF-Health at Karolinska Institutet and has SciLifeLab as the national coordinator.
The DIGIfor1healthSE project will contribute to a national coordination drive to increase the use of health data for research and sustainable precision health. DIGIfor1healthSE also supports the national adaptation to the introduction and use of health data within the EU.

"We can see great benefits in the way this national joint initiative gathers together central projects towards the same goal of making data and infrastructure accessible for research, innovation and utilisation in the interests of reliable AI and improved patient care," says Daniel Lundqvist, researcher at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, who is leading the Swedish leg of TEF-Health.
The project is based on the recently completed preliminary study “For efficient and sustainable use of health date through the integration of the DIGITIAL-projects in Sweden”, which was also coordinated by SciLifeLab and financed by Vinnova.
That project engaged health-data experts from Digital Europe Projects, European Genomic Data Infrastructure (GDI), the European Federation for Cancer Images (EUCAIM), European Digital Innovation Hub Health Data Sweden (HDS) and the Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health, AI and Robotics (TEF-Health).