KI calendar

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22 may

22 may to 24 may
Essen, Germany
The Essen Health Conference is a forum where economists present work on the nexus between health, human capital and socio-economic outcomes. Submissions in any of the fields health, education and labour economics, and especially at the intersections between them are invited.
Conferences and symposiums
22 may 9:00 am - 5:30 pm
Jacob Berzelius lecture hall, Berzelius väg 3
Campus Solna
Welcome to the third annual KI SciLifeLab symposium which will include talks from internal and external speakers and great opportunities to mingle!
Conferences and symposiums
22 may 9:00 am
Please join the Center for Alzheimer Research for a virtual morning coffee meeting!
Lectures and seminars
Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Centrum för alzheimersforskning, Alzheimer center
22 may 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Biomedicum, main floor (floor 3)
Campus Solna
All students and staff are welcome to participate in all or parts of KI's Sustainability Day with lectures, inspiration, and the award ceremony for KI's Sustainability Prize 2024! Presentations and lectures are held in English.
Conferences and symposiums
22 may 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
This session focuses on the literature review, an important part of your half-time review (and of your thesis). You now have the literature sources you need, but how do you write the review?
Lectures and seminars

23 may

23 may 9:00 am - 10:00 am
Via Zoom or A0812 (if have access to Biomedicum)
Campus Solna
Sanna Hjalmarsson is a Master's student in the Infection Biology program at UU and Kyriakos Charalampous is a Master's student in the Cell and Molecular Biology program at UU
Lectures and seminars
Institutet för miljömedicin
23 may 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Rockefeller, Nobels väg 11 (this event is not online)
Campus Solna
Title: Why I love estimands
Lectures and seminars
Medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik, Institutet för miljömedicin, Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Medicin, Solna, Global folkhälsa
23 may 12:15 pm - 12:45 pm
Welcome to inspirational online talks delivered by KI female professors who will share their experience and advice about academic careers.
Lectures and seminars
23 may 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
This course is intended for those of you who would like to become more efficient when working with Excel.
Internal courses and training
23 may 1:00 pm
Lecture Hall Lagerlöf, Floor 4, ANA Futura
Campus Flemingsberg
Welcome to the seminar series organized by the Center for Infectious Medicine (CIM) at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge (MedH) with the title: "Innate immune cells in tissue repair".
Lectures and seminars
Medicin, Huddinge, Centrum för Infektionsmedicin
23 may 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
ARC Large Conference room, floor 10, Widerströmska, Tomtebodavägen 18a, Solna
Campus Solna
Welcome to the ISP seminars of newly appointed doctoral students Martin Nilsson and Stepan Wenke Thursday 23 May 2024, in ARC's large conference room on floor 10, in the Widerström building.
23 may 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Gene lecture hall, Neo, Blickagången 16
Campus Flemingsberg
CBB invites you to a workshop on data visualization and how to produce publication-ready figures in R.
Lectures and seminars
Biovetenskaper och näringslära, Medicin, Huddinge, Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, Odontologi, Laboratoriemedicin
23 may 1:00 pm
K Rum NKS J5-13, and online
Karolinska University Hospital, Solna
Title: Fast brain MRI for safe and accurate diagnosis
Half-time seminars
Klinisk neurovetenskap, Neuro, Falk-Delgado
23 may 2:00 pm
Inghesalen at Widerströmska Huset, Tomtebodavägen 18, Solna
Campus Solna
Speaker: Kelly Jakubowski, Associate Professor in Music Psychology, Co-Director of Centre for Research into Inner Experience, Department of Music, Durham University
Lectures and seminars
23 may 3:00 pm
Karolinska University Hospital, Solna
Speaker: Johanna Dehlsen Wersäll (Klinisk Kemi)
Title: Fördelar och begränsningar av antitrombin mätmetoder samt DOAC-stopp
Type: Hybrid
Location: NKS D-huset plan 11, rum Björnen (D11-54)
Lectures and seminars
23 may 3:00 pm
Meeting room Equity in Widerströmska Huset, Tomtebodavägen 18A
Welcome to Adewale Akinjeji’s half-time seminar.
Half-time seminars
Global folkhälsa, GPH, Stålsby Lundborg

24 may

24 may
Nobel Forum, Stockholm, Sweden
Nobel Mini-Symposium no 60:
“Somatic mutations in aging and age-associated disease”

24 May 2024 at 9:00-17:15
Boat trip, including dinner on the boat: 24 May, 17:30-22:00 (Fully booked)

Speakers dinner at Grand Hotel Veranda in Stockholm at 18:00 on 23…
Conferences and symposiums
Biovetenskaper och näringslära, Medicin, Huddinge
24 may 8:30 am
Eva & Georg Klein föreläsningssal, Biomedicum, Karolinska Institutet, Solnavägen 9, Solna
Campus Solna
Welcome to Mukund Kabbes dissertation "Navigating the Oligodendroglial Chromatin Landscape using High-Throughput Single-Cell Epigenomics" 24 May at 08:30 in Eva & Georg Klein lecture hall, Biomedicum, Karolinska Institutet, Solnavägen 9, Solna.
Medicinsk biokemi och biofysik, Castelo-Branco
24 may 9:00 am
Hörsal Petrén, Nobels väg 12b, 171 65 Solna
Campus Solna
Welcome to Dorian Haggren Kerns dissertation; "Psychological self-care in chronic conditions" 09:00 in Hörsal Petrén, Nobels väg 12b, 171 65 Solna and via Zoom.
24 may 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Inghesalen, Karolinska Institutet, Tomtebodavägen 18a, Solna
“Automated microfluidic-based production of PET radioligands for clinical and preclinical use”
KI webbförvaltning