High level of engagement among new students on IPL Day

More than 700 students from KI’s study programmes took part in IPL Day on 22 October. This day is one feature of KI’s action plan for interprofessional learning.
Interprofessional learning (IPL) is learning that occurs when students from different professions interact, and interprofessional competence is necessary for anyone wanting to work in the healthcare sector of both today and the future.
Content of this autumn’s IPL Day

IPL Day in the Aula Medica was opened by Annika Östman Wernersson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Education, who welcomed all the students. This was followed by an introduction to interprofessional learning and the value of an IPL Day by KI’s IPL coordinators, Eva Broberger and Maria Kvarnström. Attendees then had the chance to hear two inspirational and interactive presentations on the subject of health. Lovette Jallow shared her perspectives and experiences of diversity in society and treatment in the care sector.

Helena Nordenstedt and Lars Frelin gave a presentation on the subject of “Who is the patient of the future? From local to global health”.

In the afternoon, the students were divided into interprofessional groups of 25-30 people, led by 60 tutors from the study programmes (one pair of tutors from each study programmes, per group). There was full focus with excellent discussions as 700 students took part in activities relating to patient cases and diversity in society, and the challenges facing health on equal terms.
The day was rounded off by the Medical Association opening its bar – an “after-school” for both students and teachers.
IPL Day is an opportunity for students from different study programmes to start learning about, from and with one another. The involvement of interprofessional pairs of tutors also promotes networking between the study programmes.
Interprofessional learning: a part of Strategy 2030
One of the six goals in KI’s action plan for interprofessional learning (adopted by the Board of Education in 2018) is that all students shall be introduced at an early stage of their education to the importance of interprofessional team collaboration in the field of their future career. The mandatory IPL Day for all new students is one step in that direction.
Interprofessional learning is also one of KI’s overarching objectives in Strategy 2030:
“Interprofessional learning, lifelong learning, and internationalisation shall characterise our educational activities.”

Background to IPL Day
- IPL Day will be held twice a year, since the start spring 2019.
- The planning group consists of KI’s IPL coordinators, administrators, IPL promoters from a number of programmes, educational resources and student representatives. The whole network of IPL promoters is the reference group.
- All tutors involved have undergone a three-hour training course featuring an introduction to IPL, facilitation and the afternoon’s learning activities. There is a joint activity for IPL Day for all students in Canvas, and there was a separate activity for tutors in Canvas.