Four graduating students share their best KI memories

Graduation time is approaching at KI! On Friday 12 January 2024, the graduation ceremonies will take place for the programmes: occupational therapists, nurses, doctors, and physiotherapists. Meet four graduating students and share their best memories and tips.

Rebecca Norrbrink, Medical Programme
What will you do after graduation?
I´m moving back to Gothenburg! The initial plan was to move to Kalmar for a subordinate position at the gynecologist and with the hope of an internship soon, but things don't always turn out as planned. When my partner was offered an internship at Sahlgrenska, we had to reconsider. I will hopefully start a junior doctor substitute at the end of January, but since the contract has not yet been signed, I refrain from saying more right now.
Favourite memory from KI?
I will not be able to stick to only one memory or one occasion for that matter. My favourite memories at KI have all been created at Medicinska Föreningens Kårhus. There is no better place to dance than the aftermath of Amphioxen and graduation. In fact, I have attended every single Amphiox and graduation party during my time at KI, something I highly recommend to all future students. My heart also beats extra strong for Spexet and I have many warm memories from the committee floor. If you are in Spexet, the committee room becomes something of a second home. So many evenings we sat on those sofas until far too late at night.
If you were to give new students on your programme one piece of advice - what would it be?
Dear new students, welcome to the medical programme! Unlike me, you will be studying for six years. That sounds like a lot of time, but the time at KI goes by faster than you would like. It is easy to get stressed in the beginning. This is completely natural. The preclinical semesters have their own charm but they will not be everyone's favourite. Stick it out for the clinical semesters, it's worth it! And once you get there, try to keep an open mind about the different specialities. You're doing yourself a disservice if you decide before you've had a chance to try. Now enjoy some of the (hopefully) best years of your life

Adam Axelsson, Physiotherapy programme
What will you do after graduation?
I actually start working as a physiotherapist almost the same day as I finish at KI.
Favourite memory from KI?
It is difficult to choose, but something that comes up immediately is when we got to test TENS for the first time, it is electrical impulses that can relieve pain but can also make it difficult to keep from laughing. Other fun memories are when several sections in Flemingsberg organised a session where I was involved in making a film and of course being involved in organising introductory camps for the new students at the beginning of the semesters.
If you were to give new students on your programme one tip - what would it be?
My best tip for new students is to get involved in student life through the Physiotherapist Section or other union bodies in MF. Even though it may feel like it's a lot at school, the community you create is worth it and makes the study time even more fun.

Alexandra Stark, Occupational Therapy Programme
What will you do after graduation?
Immediately after graduation, I will start working as an occupational therapist at Södertälje Hospital. I also have plans to study further and take a master's degree.
Favourite memory from KI?
I have many great memories and one of the most valuable is that I got to meet wonderful and amazing people who also became lifelong friends!
If you were to give new students on your programme one tip - what would it be?
Occupational therapy is a fantastic profession that offers endless opportunities to make a difference in many different ways. You have made a wise choice in applying to the occupational therapy programme. It will be challenging, but it will also be stimulating, creative, and inspiring. It is important to find the balance and remember to have fun.

Edvin Edung, Medical Programme
What will you do after graduation?
I'm taking a long holiday in February and I haven't actually planned anything yet, but it would be nice to get some skiing in. In March-April I will work at Sabbatsbergs Geriatrik as a junior doctor and in May I will move up to Falun where I will start my internship!
Favourite memory from KI?
Hmm oh how difficult, there are so many different ones. But on a straightforward basis and in terms of practice, I remember the first caesarean section I attended and assisted during semester 9. It was such a powerful experience I will never forget! Another memory is from last spring when I participated in the Med-SM and competed in Umeå. It was an incredibly fun experience to meet medical students from other universities and compete against them in different events. I did football and floorball and had to do the run, which was the last event due to injuries in the team, even though I was already really tired. We came in a strong third place which we were very happy with!
If you were to give new students on your programme one piece of advice, what would it be?
Get involved in student organisations! There are so many different ones. I have been a member of LÄSK for many years and it has added so much to my studies. I've met new friends, felt the joy of organising events for other students and most importantly, I've had a lot of fun along the way!