Exchange studies – student inspiration and answers to common questions

Are you thinking of applying for an exchange while studying a programme at KI, but don’t know where to start? Get inspiration from a current exchange student and read the answers to some of the most common questions.
Hi there Sandra Koj! You are a semester 10 dentistry programme student on an exchange in France. How are things?
I am currently in the charming capital of France, Paris. I started learning French when I was 9 years old and have always wanted to experience French culture.
I have a clinical rotation at a hospital affiliated with the Parisian host university, where I have been shadowing specialists and assisting other students in the emergency department. I haven't performed any treatments yet, but my supervisor and I are trying to organise that for the rest of my stay.
How did you apply for the exchange?
I contacted the dentistry programme’s international coordinator and asked about the application process. I also attended information sessions on exchange studies and had contact with students who had been on exchange.
What questions did you have about exchange studies before applying?
The dentistry programme has a specific period for when the students can do exchange studies and my class was the first with the new learning plan. In the beginning, it was not clear when we would be able to go, but the application process itself was simple and smooth. I also had questions about budget, accommodation, and treatments, but they were answered through the study abroad webpage and the information sessions I attended.
Do you have any tips for KI students interested in studying abroad?
The exchange reports from students who have come back from studies abroad gave me a good overview of what to expect. I highly recommend checking them out! And of course, read the study abroad blog, where I am one of the writers.
Five frequently asked questions about exchange studies at KI
1. Who can apply for exchange studies?
As a programme student at KI, you are eligible to apply for the exchange agreements that KI has for your programme. It might also be possible to study abroad as a so-called freemover, which means that you organise your studies abroad on your own, outside of KI’s exchange agreements.
2. What countries and cities can you go to for exchange studies?
This depends on what exchange agreements have been reached for the students in your programme. Check all exchange agreements and where you can study at a partner university abroad based on what programme you study.
3. How do you apply for exchange studies?
The application is carried out digitally and each programme has its own application round. Make sure to check well in advance when you need to apply, so that you can study abroad during the semester that best fits your programme.
4. Do the exchange courses count towards the program?
Yes, you can transfer credits from your exchange studies to your study programme at KI. First, you and your programme need to agree on which courses you will take during the exchange. After completing all the courses, you will need to request a certificate from the host university confirming your completion of them. After this, you can apply to have your exchange studies credited towards your degree.
5. What are the costs of going on exchange studies?
It's difficult to say exactly how much it costs to study abroad during your education, as it depends on factors such as where you'll be studying, how you'll get there, and what accommodation you'll have. Below are some general facts and tips about finances as an exchange student:
- Exchange studies with KI's partner universities are tuition-free. This means that you don't pay anything extra to study abroad at most of them. However, some partner universities in countries such as Canada, Australia, and Singapore may require incoming exchange students to cover administrative fees and mandatory insurance.
- For most of the exchanges, you can apply for student grants and loans from CSN. The requirement is that the exchange must be registered in Ladok.
- Check if there are student scholarships you can apply for. Some exchange programmes, such as Erasmus+ for exchanges within the EU, also offer additional inclusion funds that you may apply for.
- A recommendation is to budget for extra expenses during your exchange studies, just in case. Depending on where you go, the cost of living may be higher, and you might not have the same opportunities to allocate your monthly income in the same way as you normally do.