EU-grant to Yvonne Wengström, Division of Nursing (NVS)

The KI-researcher Professor Yvonne Wengström, Division of Nursing (NVS) is part in the H2020-project ”Preferable” that has successfully been granted in total 40 million Swedish crowns.
The project is coordinated by the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMCU), The Netherlands.
Wengström’s part in the project focuses on advanced breast cancer (brca) and training. Research shows that physical activity is beneficial also during cancer treatment, one effect is that training reduces the tremendous tiredness, fatigue that many patients experience. The research is performed in collaboration with Helene Rundqvist at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB) that coordinates another, molecular biology part of the project.
Preferable’s vision is to improve the standard of care in Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) by improving the quality, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of supportive care in a palliative setting.
The Preferable project will among other things map the differences in the European healthcare system to give evidence of the beneficial effect of exercise on cancer-related side effects and patients’ Quality of Life and contribute towards reshaping medical practice, and improving clinical guidelines and recommendations.