Double NVS professor lectures via Zoom

New professors Eric Westman and Dorota Religa, both Division of Clinical Geriatrics, head and deputy head of division respectively, gave their lectures as new professors at NVS on Wednesday January 20.

There were 166 participants joining the lectures via Zoom to learn more about their successful research. A handful of key persons were in physical attendance to give introductions and congratulations, among them Head of division Maria Ankarcrona, Dean Maria Eriksdotter and Professor Lars-Olof Wahlund.
Eric Westman started off by taking us on his journey from KTH student to professor at Karolinska Institutet, sharing results from the many studies performed over the years with focus on brain imaging with the purpose of enhancing diagnostics of Alzheimer disease. In closing, he expressed gratitude to the people around him, colleagues at work as well as family and friends.

Dorota Religa, dedicating the lecture to her 89-year old grandmother, drew inspiration from teaching. After moving from Poland to Sweden in 2000 to start her PhD studies, she has since remained here in Sweden, at Karolinska Institutet. Dorota described dementia and its implications for many elderly persons in combination with general frailty. Engaged in various other activities, Dorota rounded out her lecture by also telling us about her work at Trafikmedicinskt center, Karolinska University Hospital.
Text: Annika Clemes.