CIMED grants 2023–2025 to NVS

Congratulations to the researchers at NVS who received funding from CIMED for 2023–2025
CIMED project grant 2023–2025 – Senior
Agneta Nordberg
Division of Clinical Geriatrics
Project title: ”Amyloid och Tau PET och plasma biomarkörer vid diagnostik och behandling av kognitiva sjukdomar”
Ann Langius-Eklöf
Division of Nursing
Project title: ”To live better and longer with prostate cancer: effects of supportive and person-centered care assisted by mobile technology within a primary health context”
Eric Westman
Division of Clinical Geriatrics
Project title: ”Precision medicine in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders”
Erika Franzén
Division of Physiotherapy
Project title: ”Linking behavioural effects of intensive motor-cognitive exercise to imaging and wet biomarkers in people with neurological diseases”
Miia Kivipelto
Division of Clinical Geriatrics
Project title: ”From accurate disease models to personalized multimodal preventive interventions for Alzheimer’s disease: FINGER 2.0 and MET-FINGER”
CIMED project grant 2023–2025 – Junior
Franziska Albrecht
Division of Clinical Geriatrics
Project title: ”Parkinson's disease subtypes - paving the way to personalized medicine”
CIMED (Centre for Innovative Medicine) supports clinical and translational research of the highest quality at Campus Flemingsberg. CIMED's mission is to strengthen the clinical research node at Campus Flemingsberg and stimulate collaboration between researchers at Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet. CIMED is funded by Region Stockholm.