Caroline Nordenvall awarded twice at the Surgeons' Week 2024

We congratulate Caroline Nordenvall, docent and lecturer in surgery, who was awarded two prizes during the Surgeons' Week in Karlstad 2024. She was awarded both with the Regional Prize of Stora Forskarpriset and the Bengt Ihre Scholarship 2024.
Caroline Nordenvall is docent and lecturer in surgery and research group leader of the group Colorectal Surgery at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet. Her main area of research are surgical treatment of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colorectal cancer.
The regional Stora Forskarpriset is awarded by the Swedish Surgical Society to a young, driven, Doctoral researcher within the surgical sciences with a clinical focus on his/her research.
The Bengt Ihre Scholarship amounts to SEK 100,000 and the justification reads: "Caroline Nordenvall was early established as a "Rising star" in colorectal research. Now a well-established leading colorectal surgeon who leads a large research group of her own. She receives the scholarship for projects that will clarify the role of surgery in the treatment of IBD, where the patient perspective must be taken into account in particular."