BioNut researchers awarded 45 million SEK from the Swedish cancer society

The Swedish cancer society has on November 11th awarded 709 million SEK to cancer research in Sweden. Among them were ten researchers from the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition (BioNut) at KI, who were granted a total of 45.2 million SEK. The grants cover the years 2021- 2023.
We wish to congratulate all our researchers to the grants received!
Extended support for cancer research
Apart from the support for specific projects mentioned in the list below, we wish to just highlight two of the researchers at BioNut who received extended support for their cancer research for the years 2021-2023. That is Andreas Lennartsson, who received another 3 million sek and Martin Bergö, who received another 9 million sek:
Personalized epigenetic combination therapies for AML
"We will investigate whether personalized epigenetic manipulation can enhance the sensitivity for downstream drug treatment of acute myeloid leukemia", says Andreas Lennartsson. He explains further that the aim of their research is to find new drug combinations that will improve the treatment efficiency and prognosis of the patients. "This is a high risk, but high gain project that we couldn’t perform without the extra support from Cancerfonden", he continues.
Defining the role of immune system and CCL28 in lung cancer progression and metastasis
"We recently made two surprising findings in another project, which led to the hypotheses that one or more immune cell is required for the development of metastasis and that lung cancer cells are driven by an autocrine CCL28-CCR3 loop", says Martin Bergö. The project is a high-risk project where they, together with new collaborators in Europe, will test these hypotheses. They hope to increase the fundamental knowledge of mechanisms underlying lung cancer metastasis and potentially find new strategies to stop these most lethal of cancer-related processes.

List of all granted projects at BioNut
Lauri Aaltonen
Project title: Functional analysis of Hairless loss and its contribution to colorectal tumorigenesis
Grant received: 2 years x 1 000 000 SEK
Martin Bergö
Project title: Exploring BACH1-induced coordination of redox and metabolic pathways in cancer metastasis
Grant received: 3 years x 2 000 000 SEK
Camilla Björkegren
Project title: The DNA double helix in health and disease - Analysis of how supercoiling affects chromosome folding and stability
Grant received: 2 years x 1 000 000 SEK
Rongrong Fan
Project title: To investigate hepatocyte and liver macrophage remodeling in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) progression
Grant received: 3 years x 800 000 SEK
Andreas Lennartsson
Project title: New epigenetic prognostic tools and combination therapies for AML
Grant received: 3 years x 1 000 000 SEK
Sam Okret
Project title: Betydelsen av kön, könshormoner och ålder för utveckling och tillväxt av non-Hodgkin lymfom (NHL)
Grant received: 2 years x 1 250 000 SEK
Qiang Pan-Hammarström
Project title: Immunglobulin gen diversifiering: modellsystem för DNA redigering och reparation i humana lymfocyter
Grant received: 3 years x 1 750 000 SEK
Christian Riedel
Project title: Determining the cell-non-autonomous responses to aneuploidy and their value as cancer-therapeutic targets
Grant received: 3 years x 800 000 SEK
Staffan Strömblad
Project title: Cell-matrix-interaktioner och signalering i cancer
Grant received: 3 years x 1 750 000 SEK
Peter Zaphiropoulos
Project title: Circular RNAs in medulloblastoma development
Grant received: 3 years x 800 000 SEK