Award-winning travel reports

Memories to cherish, new friends, and a fantastic experience. Aurora Hirvonen and Lorete Krasniqi are two KI students who went on exchange during their studies at KI. Their description of their respective exchange experience is inspiring and also award-winning. They recently got chosen for KI's best travel report 2021/2022.
Part of the exchange study programme at KI is to document your experience in a travel report to inspire future students. To encourage students to fill in the reports, the second part of your travel stipend is paid first after submitting your travel report. Another reason to submit the travel report is to be awarded the best travel report at KI which is selected every year. During 2021/2022, three KI-students got awarded and will receive a complimentary travel stipend.

Memories to cherish from Milano
One of the award-winning reports was written by Aurora Hirvonen who, at the time of exchange, studied her sixth semester in the global bachelor’s programme in biomedicine. She went on exchange to the Università Degli Studi di Milano in Milano, Italy, where she completed her thesis project.
“The exchange period in Milan was one of the best periods during 2022 for me. I learned so much, especially about myself as a person. I received a lot of answers for the direction I want to take with my studies and career, practical tips, and core memories. My goal for the exchange was to become more confident with myself and I can say that I successfully achieved this goal,” Aurora Hirvonen says.
Aurora’s travel report starts off with a thrilling description of the excitement before going on exchange. She also shares some of the struggle she experienced before setting off. However, it becomes clear that going on exchange is something Aurora is determined to do and despite some bumps on the way and with the help from her international coordinator at KI, she was able to carry out her exchange semester in Milan.
Would you recommend other students to go on exchange?
“Absolutely! The best time for travelling is when you are young. And the exchange allows you to explore a different country and a different culture so easily. It gives you many networking opportunities for the future but most importantly a great number of friends and memories to cherish for many years,” Aurora Hirvonen says.
Aurora’s travel report covers everything from finances, Italian culture, leisure time and accommodation. It´s filled with inside travel tips, lifehacks in Milan and links to relevant websites. Since there were not many reports in English about the University of Milan, she is happy to have added hers to the list of travel reports.
“I hope my report can encourage someone else to experience Milan in the future!” Aurora Hirvonen says.

A fantastic experience in Prague
Another student who was awarded best travel report is Lorete Krasniqi who during her time of exchange studied her eighth semester at the dental programme at KI. For her exchange, she went to Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic.
“It´s been an indescribable, fantastic experience that I will take with me for the rest of my life. Not least from the training where I got to see and assist during various types of surgical procedures,” Lorete Krasniqi says.
In her travel report, Lorete gives a vivid description of her exchange and shares her experience and tips on everything from accommodation, finances, and places to visit in Prague. She also covers the culture and teaching at the university as well as language barriers and how to overcome them.
“I recommend all students who can go on exchange to take this opportunity, even if it's a trip you do alone. Dare to venture out, even if it feels scary or big. Everything works out in the end, and we only regret trips we didn't take. It is a fantastic opportunity!” Lorete Krasniqi says.
When reading both Aurora’s and Lorete's travel reports it becomes clear that at the start of their studies, both knew that they wanted to go on exchange. Their stories will most certainly inspire future students to take the leap into the world of international education.
Best travel report 2021/2022
Students from KI who participated in student exchange and submitted a travel report the previous academic year participate in a competition for the best travel report. The international committees (or equivalent) per education program nominate one travel report each. The report must follow a pre-set template where the information about the studies at the host university must be the main part. The report should also be well written and contain information that future students may benefit from before going on exchange.
Three students were awarded “Best travel report 2021/2022”
- Aurora Hirvonen, bachelor's programme in biomedicine
- Lorete Krasniqi, dental programme
- Jasmin Lundquist, medical programme
To read theirs, and other travel reports you can go to the travel report archive.
If you wish to know more about going on exchange within your study programme, contact your international coordinator.