About half a billion SEK from Swedish Research Council to KI researchers

On Thursday the 28th of October the Swedish Research Council announced this year's grant decision in the fields of medicine and health. The total amount of grants awarded is SEK 1,1 billion and KI's researchers are awarded SEK 500 900 000.
The funds are distributed over the years 2021–2026. The following number of grants was awarded:
- 91 project grants
- 14 establishment grants
- Two grants for employment as a part-time researcher in a clinical environment
- One grant for research time
The five largest contributions to KI researchers in the call are:
Olov Andersson at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology receives SEK 9 800 000 in project grant for the project ”Induction of β-cell neogenesis for future management of diabetes”.
Marie Carlén at the Department of Neuroscience receives SEK 9 800 000 in project grant for the project ”Prefrontal kortex och den neuronala grunden för cognition”.
Robert Harris at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience receives SEK 9 800 000 in project grant for the project ”Nya immunterapier för neurodegenerativa sjukdomar”.
Mikael Karlsson at the Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology receives SEK 9 800 000 in project for the project ”B cells riktad behandling för autoimmuna sjukdomar”.
Marie Wahren-Herlenius at the Department of Medicine, Solna, receives SEK 9 800 000 in project for the project "Molekylär patogenes vid kongenitalt hjärtblock".