20 MSEK from the Swedish Research Council to MMK

Congratulations to five researchers at the Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery who received funding from the Swedish Research Council within the field Medicine and Health at the dividend on October 28, 2021.
Olof Akre, research group Urology
Receives 2,4 MSEK during the period 2022-2024, research project "Samband mellan nedre urinvägssymptom och psykiatriska sjukdomar hos barn och ungdomar".
Jana de Boniface, research group Breast Surgery
Receives 5,2 MSEK during the period 2022-2025, research project "Överlevnad och axillrecidiv efter sentinel node-positiv bröstcancer utan kompletterande axillutrymning - den randomiserade SENOMAC studien"
Ulf Hedin, research group Vascular Surgery
Receives 4,8 MSEK during the period 2022-2025, research project "Instabil ateroskleros: från patient till molekyl till patient".
Lisa Juntti-Berggren, research group Signal Transduction
Receives 2,4 MSEK during the period 2022-2024, research project "Betydelsen av apolipoprotein CIII för humana pankreas öar och relationen till komorbiditeter".
Ann Nordgren, research group Rare Diseases
Receives 5,2 MSEK during the period 2021-2025, research project "Medfödda genetiska faktorers betydelse för barncancer".