A warm welcome at the introduction

During the last two weeks of August, newly admitted KI students were invited to the introduction. The mild weather fitted like a glove with the warm atmosphere that permeated the many activities.
Activities across both campuses
The introduction activities for new students began with an introductory day for new dental hygienist and dental students at the Flemingsberg campus. At the same time, a similar introductory day was organised for new students from KI’s other study programmes at both Flemingsberg and Solna campuses. Just like the entire introduction, the introductory day was organised in collaboration with the student unions: Odontologiska Föreningen (OF) and Medicinska Föreningen (MF).
– It was great to see where I’m going to study and what everything looks like, says Veerle who is starting the medicine programme this semester.
The following days offered a variety of events such as pub crawls, workshops on what it’s like to be a new student, and the team competition Amphiox Games, concluding with a welcome ceremony and fair in Aula Medica. New students could also participate in seminars on topics such as how healthcare works in Sweden, and how to address each other in Sweden generally and at Swedish universities more specifically. These were well-suited for those who had moved to Sweden to begin their studies at KI.
Introduction schedule for hundreds of students
The introduction activities were prepared so that all new students would be able to participate. More than 2000 students are registered for KI:s bachelor and master level programmes starting in autumn 2024. At the global master’s programmes, there are new students from 65 different countries. The countries from which most new students in these programmes come are Sweden, China, the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands.*
Fruitful collaboration with the student unions
KI organised orientation activities for newly admitted students in close collaboration with the student unions.
– The turnout was great this year. For example, the student union received twice as many students as expected at all their activities, and over 800 visitors came to the welcome day on Friday, says Malin Wahlby, who is one of those who worked with the introduction activities centrally at KI.

The chairman of Medicinska Föreningen’s Reception Committee, Artem Tjuntonov Aleksandrovitj, agrees.
– What a reception! With the help of all the mentors, sections, and committees, we managed to create an introduction for everyone, including everything from sightseeing in Stockholm to parties at the student union house, Artem says.
Both the student unions and KI were also present at Campus Day at campus Flemingsberg, which coincided with the introduction and took place on Wednesday 4 September.
*The statistics are based on the country where the university from which the student obtained their bachelor’s degree is located.