Published: 04-05-2021 16:56 | Updated: 16-08-2021 10:31

A strategy for research infrastructure aiming at 2024

To succeed in the international competition, researchers at Karolinska Institutet need secure access to cutting-edge technology as well as a wide range of basic core-facilities. The Research Committee has therefore adopted a strategy for activities related to core-facilities and research infrastructure until 2024.

This research-infrastructure strategy is in line with KI’s overall strategy, Strategy 2030, and has been developed within the framework of the Infrastructure Council.  It is primarily aimed at securing the access and functionality of research infrastructure of the highest quality and relevance.

Researchers at KI will be given access to core facilities, expensive equipment, and services comparable to the best research institutions in the world. Research at KI will benefit through continuity, a long-term perspective and predictability as regards research infrastructure. Another important aspect of the strategy is to facilitate conditions for effective collaborations within regional and national research infrastructures as well as with the healthcare system and industry.

The strategy is divided into three sections – overall standpoints, thematic areas, and conditions. For each area there are activities defined in a linked action plan.

A summary of the strategy can be found on the KI staff portal, where it is also possible to download the entire strategy document in Swedish (dnr 1-305 / 2021). An English translation of the strategy document is underway.