3 Minutes Thesis Competition 12 to 14th of November in Istanbul

The European University of Brain and Technology would like to invite you to come present your research at the next NeurotechEU meeting in Istanbul, Turkey!
It is very easy!
To apply all you need to do is to submit an abstract about your work below (max. 250 words). Bachelor, Master and PhD projects are eligible. The abstract can be about your thesis or a summer project (or similar) that you have performed recently.
Abstract submission form: https://forms.gle/amAAT9RAmQpB6VdZA
At the meeting in Istanbul (12th to 14th of November, 2024), we would like you to share your work as a three-minute presentation to an audience of peers and established researchers. You get one static slide to do so, so be sure to strike a balance between both information and time!
The best part is, the selected student will be invited additionally to the NeurotechEU Hackathon in Istanbul!
We look forward to seeing all of your incredible work!
Last date to submit your application: 30 September 2024, 12:00 hrs (CEST)
Any Questions? Contact us:
KI NeurotechEU student representative: julia.spielbauer@ki.se
NeurotechEU Student Council (StC) (neurotecheu.student.council@gmail.com)
Read more about us by visiting: https://theneurotech.eu/student-council/