2023 StratNeuro Bridging Grant at the consolidator level

The StratNeuro Bridging Grant at the consolidator level is a funding initiative where StratNeuro awards up to two consolidator level grants to support outstanding researchers in the field of neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet.
The StratNeuro Bridging Grant provides two-year funding at the consolidator level, SEK 2 400 000 in total.
The applicant
- Must be employed at KI with at least 50 percent employment.
- Must have obtained a doctorate degree or equivalent scientific competence on 1st January 2010, or later.
- Applicants who have received a PhD degree earlier than 2010 may be eligible if there are special grounds for deductible time. Special grounds refer to:
- parental leave
- positions of trust in trade union organizations
- mandatory service in the total defense forces,
- long-term illness
- general medical internship
- further training/specialist medical internship for clinically active professionals
- Ground, dates and extent must be clearly specified in the application and verified with relevant documentation.
- Applicants who have received a PhD degree earlier than 2010 may be eligible if there are special grounds for deductible time. Special grounds refer to:
- Must not hold a position as Senior lecturer/adjunct Senior lecturer, Professor/adjunct Professor or Visiting Professor at the time of the application deadline
- Must not have received, in 2022 or before, a StratNeuro Bridging grant, funding for position as Senior researcher (5 years), or a Consolidator grant through previous calls by either of the following:
- the Board of Research/Faculty board at Karolinska Institutet
- Vetenskapsrådet
- Must conduct internationally leading research within the field of Neuroscience (in a broad sense). Applicants must show an independent research line, the ability to conduct research of the highest quality, future development opportunities with continued high qualitative research, and the ability to attract external funding.
Grant amount and conditions
- The StratNeuro Bridging grant is 1.2 MSEK/year for 2 years.
- The bridging grant will end in case the employment at Karolinska Institutet ends.
- The bridging grant will end in case the awardee is successful in obtaining one of the 5-year consolidator grants from either the Board of Research/Faculty board at Karolinska Institutet; Vetenskapsrådet, SSMF, ERC, or any other equivalent consolidator level grant.
- Awardees may be asked to submit progress reports and/or to present their project and progress at the StratNeuro retreat and meetings.
Application procedure
Please include the following:
- A personal letter
- Application form
- 10 most important publications
- In the Application form, please present your publications with your name in bold text and indicate your shared authorships with a star (*). Authorship order should be same as in the published version.
- Certificate from the head of the host department at Karolinska Institutet which shows that the applicant may conduct research at the department (e-mail message will be accepted).
- Relevant certificates in case deductible time is stated in the application
Applicants may alternatively submit their original applications to the KI consolidator grant 2022 as a single pdf file.
Email submissions to: Stratneuro@ki.se
Submissions must be received (as a single pdf file) by 5 December 2022 at 16:00.
Assessment process and criteria
Applications will be assessed in three stages:
- Assessment of eligibility
- Selection of the applications to be reviewed by external experts
- Selection of applications for external review will be performed by the members of the executive board of StratNeuro.
- Review by external experts:
- The external review evaluation process will be based on the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) evaluation criteria.
- Novelty & Originality
- Scientific quality
- Merits of the applicants
- Feasibility
- The external review evaluation process will be based on the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) evaluation criteria.
- Application period: 14 November – 5 December 2022
- External review: December 2022 – January 2023
- Decision and announcements: Late January – early February 2023
The executive board of StratNeuro will decide which applicants will be awarded the Bridging grant based on the external review.
All applicants will be informed of the decision (awarded or not awarded) via email.
Payment of the Bridging Grant will be made to the applicants' current department by our finance officer, Therese Brogårde.
If you have any further questions please contact us by sending an email to StratNeuro@ki.se.
The Strategic Research Area Neuroscience (StratNeuro)
The strategic research area neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet, Umeå University and KTH has the mission to integrate clinical and basic research and to foster a new generation of leaders and scientists in translational neuroscience.