Published: 21-06-2022 14:29 | Updated: 22-06-2022 14:42
Three KI researchers among the “Future research leaders“
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF, has appointed the eight generation of "Future research leader", three researchers from Karolinska Institutet. The researchers receive 15 million SEK each during a five year period and will join a leadership training program.
The grant supports young, promising researchers and enable them to build their own successful research groups.
Those who have been appointed at KI are:
- Margaret Holme at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics for the project ”Asymmetriska vesiklar för nukleinsyrabehandlingar”.
- Arvid Guterstam at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience for the project ”Ny mekanism för social perception av andras uppmärksamhet”.
- Enric Llorens Bobadilla at the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology for the project ”Teknisk regenerering i centrala nervsystemet”.