The latest number of the Swedish Paediatric Association's magazine is out with contributions from our team members

This year's first edition of Barnläkaren, the Swedish Paediatric Assosiaction's magazine, is published. The theme of the latest issue is global health and the Global Child Health and Sustainable Development Goals research team leader Tobias Alfvén was the guest editor. Download the paper to read about the research from the child health team members.
The Global Child Health and Sustainable Development Goals research team and its members are at the forefront of global child health research and are keen on sharing their knowledge with the public. Five of the articles in the latest issue of Barnläkaren are submitted by team members, summarised below.
To begin with Professor Stefan Swartling Peterson highlights the key messages from the report A future for the world's children? A WHO–UNICEF–Lancet Commission. It says that if we are to succeed in achieving the SDGs, the child perspective must be at the heart of all SDGs, especially those related to sustainable development.
Hampus Holmer together with Ambassador for Global Health Anders Nordström discuss children's rights not just to survival, but ensure for children to live long and healthy lives, free from physical and mental ill health. Through policy action, research and aid this ambition can be achieved with the 2030 Agenda as a starting point that sets the stage for the work.
Senior researcher Helena Hildenwall reports on how the Covid-19 pandemic has had and continues to have a major impact on children's healthin the world. The achievements in child health in the years before the pandemic have been reversed in several areas, and compared to before the pandemic, the world is now in a much worse position to achieve the 2030 Agenda.
Despite the decline in infant mortality worldwide, neonatal mortality remains high and now accounts for almost half of all deaths before the age of five. Post-doc Susanna Myrnerts Höök discusses challenges and opportunities for neonatal survival.
Finally doctoral student Daniel Helldén and Professor Tobias Alfvén give an overview of the climate change impacts on child health but call attention to the knowledge gap in the field and the need for more research. In 2021 they published Climate change and child health: a scoping review and an expanded conceptual framework in The Lancet.